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var effect = { fade : new TimelineLite({paused: true}) .set($pageCnt, { opacity: 0, y: windowHeight * 0.3 }) .to($this, 1, { opacity: 0, ease:Power2.easeInOut }) .to($pageCnt, 1, { opacity: 1, y: 0, ease:Power2.easeInOut}, "-=.7") .set($this, { zIndex: '-1'}), zoom_out : new TimelineLite({paused: true}) .set($pageCnt, { opacity: 0, y: windowHeight * 0.3}) .to($this, 1.5, { opacity: .8, scale: 0.8, y: -windowHeight - 100, ease:Strong.easeInOut }) .to($pageCnt, 1.5, { opacity: 1, y: 0, ease:Strong.easeInOut}, "-=1.3"), shuffle : new TimelineLite({paused: true}) .to($this, 1.5, { y: -windowHeight/2, ease:Strong.easeInOut }) .to($this.nextAll('div').first(), 1.5, { paddingTop: windowHeight/2, ease:Strong.easeInOut }, "-=1.3") }; $this.sectiontrans({ effect : effectName }); if($this.hasClass('shuffled')) { TweenLite.set($this, { y: -windowHeight/2 }); TweenLite.set($this.nextAll('div').first(), { paddingTop: windowHeight/2 }); } $('body').on('page_intro', function() { MK.utils.scroll.disable(); $(this).data('intro', true); effect[effectName].play(); setTimeout(function() { $header.addClass('pre-sticky'); $header.addClass('a-sticky'); $('.mk-header-padding-wrapper').addClass('enable-padding'); $('body').data('intro', false); if(effectName === 'shuffle') $this.addClass('shuffled'); }, 1000); setTimeout(MK.utils.scroll.enable, 1500); }); $('body').on('page_outro', function() { MK.utils.scroll.disable(); $(this).data('intro', true); effect[effectName].reverse(); setTimeout(function() { $header.removeClass('pre-sticky'); $header.removeClass('a-sticky'); $('.mk-header-padding-wrapper').removeClass('enable-padding'); $('body').data('intro', false); if($this.hasClass('shuffled')) $this.removeClass('shuffled'); }, 1000); setTimeout(MK.utils.scroll.enable, 1500); }); }); }); } } else { $('.mk-page-section.intro-true').each(function() { $(this).attr('data-intro-effect', ''); }); } } mk_section_intro_effects(); var debounceResize = null; $(window).on("resize", function() { if( debounceResize !== null ) { clearTimeout( debounceResize ); } debounceResize = setTimeout( mk_section_intro_effects, 300 ); }); }(jQuery)); (function($) { 'use strict'; var zIndex = 0; $('.mk-newspaper-wrapper').on('click', '.blog-loop-comments', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var $this = $(event.currentTarget); var $parent = $this.parents('.mk-blog-newspaper-item'); $parent.css('z-index', ++zIndex); $this.parents('.newspaper-item-footer').find('.newspaper-social-share').slideUp(200).end().find('.newspaper-comments-list').slideDown(200); setTimeout( function() { MK.utils.eventManager.publish('item-expanded'); }, 300); }); $('.mk-newspaper-wrapper').on('click', '.newspaper-item-share', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var $this = $(event.currentTarget); var $parent = $this.parents('.mk-blog-newspaper-item'); $parent.css('z-index', ++zIndex); $this.parents('.newspaper-item-footer').find('.newspaper-comments-list').slideUp(200).end().find('.newspaper-social-share').slideDown(200); setTimeout( function() { MK.utils.eventManager.publish('item-expanded'); }, 300); }); }(jQuery)); (function( $ ) { 'use strict'; // If we want to get access to API of already initilised component we run a regular new conctructor. // When instance is discovered in cache object then we return exisiting instance. // // TODO move it to core functions and run logic on init var _instancesCollection = {}; MK.component.SwipeSlideshow = function( el ) { var $this = $( el ); var id = $this.parent().attr('id'); this.el = el; this.id = id; this.config = $this.data( 'swipeslideshow-config' ); if( this.config ) this.config.hasPagination = false; }; MK.component.SwipeSlideshow.prototype = { init : function() { var slider = new MK.ui.Slider( this.el, this.config ); slider.init(); _instancesCollection[ this.id ] = slider; } }; // Additional nav // Mostly for thumbs in woocommerce MK.component.SwipeSlideshowExtraNav = function( el ) { this.el = el; }; MK.component.SwipeSlideshowExtraNav.prototype = { init : function init() { this.cacheElements(); this.bindEvents(); }, cacheElements : function cacheElements() { var $this = $( this.el ); this.sliderId = $this.data( 'gallery' ); this.slider = _instancesCollection[this.sliderId]; // convert to js obj this.$thumbs = $( '#' + this.sliderId ).find( '.thumbnails a'); }, bindEvents : function bindEvents() { this.$thumbs.on( 'click', this.clickThumb.bind( this ) ); }, clickThumb : function clickThumb( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var $this = $( e.currentTarget ), id = $this.index(); this.slider.goTo( id ); } }; // Mostly for switcher in woocommerce MK.utils.eventManager.subscribe('gallery-update', function(e, config) { if(typeof _instancesCollection[config.id] === 'undefined') return; _instancesCollection[config.id].reset(); }); })( jQuery ); /* mk_audio */ /* mk_button */ /* mk_title_box */